Sunday, June 26, 2011

What type of manicure is better?

Hello dear friend, today I'll tell you about several types of manicures. As we know, it is subdivided into a large number of classifications and sub-species. But I will tell only the most basic, as well as on what is best.

I'll start the story with hardware manicure. As you do not know what is it?Hardware is - the fastest, modern, and most importantly a gentle way, which gives excellent views of the nails. The whole point of this process is to use a different spetsmashinki abrasive nozzles. They polish the entire surface of your nail and attach the required shape and even push back the cuticle. We can say that you spend a standard European, uncut manicure, elementary, and even without the use of scissors, thus eliminating the likelihood of buying the entire microdamage. This effect makes it possible to use the hardware on the damaged nail and nail on very weak. Helps strengthen nails and improve their future growth. As a rule, healthy nail should have a dull pink color over the entire surface with the tip of Belenky. But to meet these nails in everyday life is difficult: the environment, lack of vitamins, all stress conditions makes itself felt, but it is not cause for concern. Ladies, because you have all heard of the simple and elegant French manicure. Any nails can give a natural healthy color on this technology. Recently naturalness in manicure becomes extremely popular. Very bright scarlet lipstick and nail is not in fashion today, is much more fun healthy style. For the first time a French manicure has proved, as we know, in France (hence the name). Its main goal is a universal, ie He could not be better combined with any kinds of clothes and makeup. The main point of the nail is white underscore the fingertip. Perform this procedure at home is almost impossible, so I recommend, by all means see a specialist. It is worth noting that the French manicure is used in some cases even men. Who would have thought, but it's true. But I will not go into details about that later. So, dear ladies, you decide what suits you the manicure? It is true, why choose just one thing, if you can try everything. Any experimenting with manicured nails lady - it always attracts.

Hardware manicure

This technology (hardware) manicure is a form of European!Preparations for this procedure such before it is removed varnish, which does not contain acetone liquid. It is not necessary to apply a substance on the cuticle softeners! Cuticle is removed in this way: she cut away with a specially devised for this machine with interchangeable diamond nozzle in the form of small ball. Wet nail plate and nail problem (layered, ribbed, damaged) make people fall in this group of frequent visitors just for this type of manicure! As in every form of manicure, the master must be highly qualified! The master must hold technique as masterfully as the master of the classical (trimmed) manicure. Only for dry skin, you can perform this procedure. Rapidly rotating grinding nozzles at the end of the apparatus, are the master in this case, tools for work! All operations necessary for hygienic manicure, the wizard with the help of these tips. Many experts do not recommend to take care of his hands by the hardware, although it is very popular in the pedicure! Many artists appreciate this procedure as an auxiliary operation in the processing of nails (leveling the nail plate, nail shape correction), they exclude it from the independent species manicure! As with the implementation of almost all kinds of nail needs a good professional who does not spoil, but bring your nails to the perfect view. And then you get a fancy manicure in 2011 year. But if not handled properly from the nozzles may be a consequence: injury to the nail plate, which will lead to consequences not pleasant! Your hands will always look beautiful and well-groomed and attractive, if you perform the operation of hardware manicure every two weeks!


Probably the most popular type of manicure in our country! He is particularly popular for those who do not want their age were given hand, they are perfect preparpty, which contains dissolved ceramides. These agents (ceramide), not only smegchayut, rejuvenate and moisturize the skin, helps restore elasticity, but also produce dramatic and gentle peeling! SPA-manicure procedure as useful and pleasant, everyone does it: It is full of aromatic additives! They make the procedure a pleasant and relaxing after a long day trudovgo and generally very well affect the well-being! At the completion of the SPA-manicure is a nice, relaxing massage of the hands, fatigue and stress as the arm lift, in addition cheer up! Advantages SPA-manicure: SPA-manicure - complete care, skin nutrition natural ceramides and vitamins, moisturizing and softening velekolepnoe hand, plus a gentle but effective exfoliation! SPA-manicure - one of those pleasures, which takes you into the world of luxury and bliss! All hands will be neat and tidy! Cherry which gives originality and sophistication of this type of manicure, aromatherapy fragrances make the procedure very nice! As well as SPA-manicure - it's visible immediate effect, without any kind of nail, any opertsy, tightens skin, moisturizes, brightens and rejuvenates. These are the main reasons that make the SPA-manicure most popular type of manicure today! Technology SPA-manicure consists of several procedures: skin moisturized, cleansed, softened, receives the portion miniralnyh and vitamins, which is essential for skin, gets a healthy glow and elasticity! In general, this procedure is incredibly pleasant recommend to everyone, you will be amazed how it makes you happy. You, as if carried away into another dimension! You feel all the beauty around, your hands are close to ideal! Well-groomed hands for a woman means - the main weapon and attention of men. Soft and delicate skin, attracts like a magnet!

YouTube - Hot manicure

This type of manicure velekolepnyh achieves results and is preferred for people who have problems, from dry and brittle nails with nail where the cuticle is injured! Likewise, when the cold season (late autumn, winter and early spring) for people with dry skin of hands is recommended this procedure, which will give your skin soft, tender and incredible shine! It will be good or even very much, if you combine hot manicure and classic (cut), a manicure or manicure and hot European manicure! Hot manicure also preferable for children who have yet cuticle thin and delicate, and for men whose vessels are placed close! Hot manicure is very pleasant in itself and as a sociable and cheerful master of making you a manicure! It is very relaxing after a long day, especially when the work does not sit all day or sit and stare at the computer! When Hot manicure master, a special apparatus that operates in two modes, one mode of heating (up to 40 degrees Celsius), while maintaining the temperature of the second mode after reaching the required figures! Another master works with special nutritional and medicinal lotions, and disposable plastic baths! Advantages of the most important hot manicure: softens the cuticle, which is very important, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, which is not important enough! This type of nail is suitable for those who like to be your skin was soft and moist (not dry) and are particularly pleased to be those people who are dismayed by the fact that their hands are very good warm! Hot manicure can advise everyone, from children to men! But women like it when a man has a rough skin! In the eyes of women, men become more manly! That's a fact! Also this type of manicure olichaetsya their safety as well as damage you can not do anything, because operations are conducted without scissors, etc. And this is not least because, people do not want to come to a beauty salon and make the skin of hands and nails is even worse than it was! Next book in the catalog otto himself a new stylish clothes, and you will be an ornament to any party!

YouTube - European manicure or mill and its features

European manicure or uncut, as the technology of removing katikuly (skin at the base of the nail), in this case carried out without the intervention of scissors, but at the heart of almost every manicure, technology is removing with scissors! You naturally ask, "Why European manicure?" Your anger is understandable! But the answer is quite simple, because this method was invented in Europe, as a milder and safer method of nail care. Advantages of the nicest European manicure: the classic method is more dangerous, because the possibility of infection by traumatizing the cuticle is very high, especially if you do not manicure professional, and the European method of manicure, the probability of entry of dangerous infections is almost impossible, because there are no cutting tools! But in practice, as each method or things and anything else on earth, there are drawbacks, they are generally not very pleasant: not all suitable European manicure because it is impossible to remove in this way, much rough skin! The most feasible solution to the problem of this type of manicure is only for those with thin, soft skin, or for the person whose going to the beauty salon will be surprised! This type of manicure is for those who love the sound methods (types) of a manicure, but for those who follow the decisive action suits more classic manicure! Many people "worship" to this method, since they are very sensitive to their hands and nogtkam! As the saying goes: "Well-groomed hands, the best weapon zhenschiny!" And it's true! When a man sees that his hands were the girls shine and glitter, he was very pleased to take her hand in his, and feel the soft, tender skin, which draws to itself like a magnet! If we add to this the face mask , the more modern women do not need anything. If you have not tried to make myself a manicure, but want to try it, it's best to start with the European species, because this kind of a safer and more pleasant. He will not leave you indifferent and will make his fan

From the History of Manicure

The name comes from the French manicure \ "manicure \", which means special care for hands. Every beauty has always been in demand, beauty has always demanded that she pay attention and time. \ "The man should be beautiful: the face, and clothing, and soul, and thought \". And hands. History manicure rooted in antiquity. In ancient Egypt women were stained nails with vegetable dyes. ... ...

The beauty industry began to develop Hand, to gain momentum. Baths, hand paints, which appeared in the U.S., the basic coverage, nail enamel ...

But all this was not enough for devotees of exquisite beauty. One problem still remained unsolved - the length of the nail. The revolution took place in the 60s, when a dentist in the United States, in order to wean my wife biting his nails, covered them with acrylic, which was used to cover the teeth. Immediately from the company, new buyers - a manicurist. To adapt the acrylic owners of the company created a special laboratory. Since acrylic nails firmly conquered the market. Acrylic nails are fashionable and of course, in addition, it is safe.

To date, there are various imaging technologies nails. One of the most popular method was presented in 1985 in Germany. This method is light. Another method introduced firm OPI. Manufacturer OPI, known as a manufacturer of dental filling materials since 1952, offered to design nail acrylic powder. It happened in 1981 when the company's experts have proposed four techniques to create artificial nails, which were patented in the United States.

On the history of manicure

Manicure has more than a thousand years of history. In ancient Egypt, the nails were stained with henna, and various vegetable dyes. The women of noble birth, even had special "Manicure." Manicure technique perfected in the East for hundreds of years, but in Europe it became popular only in the XIX century, when he came to Russia. And eager to watch their hands began to not only women but also men. Baths, massages, special polishing tools made sleek and well groomed hands and nails - smooth and shiny.

For a long time been the prerogative of the manicure of wealthy people, their business card belonging to the upper classes. Manicure now available to everyone, and every woman can identify at least one hour per week for this procedure. Twenty years ago in the global beauty industry has been made ​​a great discovery. It happened in America.The company, which produces components for porcelain teeth, new buyers - a manicurist. It turned out that these components are suitable for forming artificial nails. The owners of the company to quickly navigate and set up a special laboratory to adapt their products for new purposes. Today, artificial nails - it is fashionable and popular. In the U.S., where they first appeared, they have 90 percent of American women. There are several different technologies of formation of the nails. Light method, which was launched in Germany in 1985 - one of the most popular and harmless to the natural nail. Another popular method - nail acrylic powder, the American company OPI. Manufacturer OPI c 1952 to create and improve production technology of dental filling materials. In 1981, responding to the demands of the time, specialists of the company offered four techniques for the formation of nails, which were patented in the United States.

Interesting facts about the manicure

And so, ladies, learn more about the art of manicure. Very appreciated appearance in ancient Egypt. There was written and first encyclopedia of cosmetics, and by whom! Neither more nor less - Cleopatra herself has created a sort of a handbook. It was there for several years before our era, improved nail polish, as well as a variety of cosmetics.Incidentally, the first lacquer was invented in 1932 - he was red in color. Prior to that, an Egyptian painted fingernails green. Thus, the country of the Pharaohs followed their appearance and beauty, and other crops, for example the Chinese were convinced that the nails tend to communicate with higher forces, the most symbolizing wisdom.

By this in ancient China was allowed to grow nails are not only women but also individuals of the opposite sex.Incidentally, this trend is seen in our time. There is a special kind of guys who call themselves "metrosexuals". They are very sensitive about their image to, and notice every flaw of their appearance. Manicure for them - it is not the last.Metrosexuals at least the women see beauty salons, nail and make one order. No, I do not think that they are increasing his nails, or repaint them every week in a different color. Men make themselves "dry manicure," which I'll discuss shortly, and polish the nails, which creates the effect of colorless nail polish. But, say, any self-respecting man mows and cleans your nails at least once every 2 weeks, in order to maintain hygiene. Just do not go with every manicure set "just fire." But guitarists, for example, still grow their nails, and they have a purpose to it - much easier to fret. Yes, and they allow themselves the length of anything - not more than 2.5 mm. Not that the famous rapper Snoop Dog, who once grew two nail on the little finger of 1.5 cm each. This was the style, something like a business card.

Something interesting: the way, the longest fingernails in the history of humanity have been men. His name is Nelvin Feyzel Booze. Nelvina nail growth, which he polled more than 25 years was 953 cm after it is sensational in the book of Guinness Redmond - in 2006 the length of her nails was 7.5 m. The reason for such a long separation from the nail does not become the usual laziness. The woman did not want to care for them, and this reluctance has earned himself world famous. In third place on the length of the claws of a man showing off again, Sridhar Chillan. The length of his fingernails had reached 6.12 meters Ask them how they go to the toilet? Their answer would be: "Very carefully."

Manicure for children, whether it is useful?

Benefits Children's Manicure

Many people think that only women do the manicure and care for their nails, but some time these procedures were done and men who want to look good. But such a procedure as a manicure for a special distribution of children has not yet received, despite the fact that such

Prepared to manicure

manicure Children became possible for toddlers and teenagers, is now such a procedure can be performed with 5 years. This service has been included in the list of the services of many beauty salons. In order to avoid damaging the nail plate and a thin cuticle, the kids make the procedure unedged manicure. Prior to manicure nails and palms baby to disinfect with an antiseptic. If the nails a little dirty, then they are cleaned with special instruments. Marigold sawed to the desired length.
It is mandatory to get rid of burrs, which often suffer from the kids, they become inflamed and sore. Process to the care of the cuticle has not brought the baby uncomfortable, you need a soap bath, especially if skin is dry. In addition, the cuticle can rub balm or a special agent, soothing her. A few minutes later the skin can be gently push with a stick.Subject to such procedures on a regular basis, the growth of the cuticle is terminated and the child will be well-groomed nails. Particularly careful to grind and polish the edge of the nail.

Apply the varnish

on children's hands and nails are applied cream that nourishes the impact, created especially for kids. If your baby suffers from burrs, they are treated with special preparations, which have medicinal properties. For baby skin will be very useful and paraffin, that is, bath, or wrap with wax (they do not only have a beneficial effect, but priyatnі for a child).After processing procedures nails, leather handles and cuticles are completed, you can begin to deliver a special varnish for children in which no substances harmful to the baby nails. This varnish can be used only with permission of the parents the baby. There are special paints needed to eradicate the habit of biting his nails, because they taste bitter as wormwood. Lucky for children can be easily washed off with soap and warm water, they do not interfere with breathing and nails do not cause her harm.

How do children's baby manicure?

Recently, a very popular children's manicure. Best beauty salons include a "range" manicure for little fashionistas. And some forward-thinking institutions even offer a discount of 50%, realizing that today's baby - is tomorrow's customer.There is nothing wrong to teach children from an early age to care about their appearance.

Especially useful for those children manicure babes who love to chew on his nails - they will be terribly sorry to spoil the beautiful picture that is so jealous of all the girlfriends. So, especially on the eve of the holiday fun, very bad girl in the story room, where master nail art toes turn it into a beautiful fairy princess fingers.
You can do a manicure at home. The main thing - to create an atmosphere of the cabin, so the child is out of boring duty became a pleasure. To start a girl buy her own manicure naborchik where there are scissors, nail file and clippers, and who will use it only. Before a manicure to clean the tools with alcohol.

Then a must to handle his own hands and handle a child with antiseptic. Then nogotochki saws, only in any case not a metal nail file. If the baby does not like unpleasant vibrations from the saw blade, the tip-growth of nail clippers to remove. But not to the ground! Clean your fingernails. Never cut cuticles - a very delicate babies skin. You can use a special oil for the dissolution of the cuticle. Burrs carefully cut the wire cutters. Then necessarily lubricates hands and nails with a nourishing cream and massage do - it's really like for all children. Remove the cream 70 per cent alcohol.And put a foundation under the lacquer. If you were a regular manicure, then you can apply white or pastel shades of paint (sold and special children's paints). But if tomorrow the New Year or birthday party, then the next all depends on the imagination - yours and your child. At the varnish can be pasted colored sparkling stones, feathers or sequins. You can make all the marigolds as a rainbow, each covering a specific color. You can buy a set for Neil, design, and can take an ordinary toothpick and use it until the paint has not prosoh, put on your nails different risunochki: flowers, hearts, stars, zodiac signs, waves ... One of the easiest ways - to use decals , which sell a great variety. True, we need a little get the hand to cope with tiny pieces of paper. Pick up the color in the light of what holidays are coming and what dress and what image will appear in the little princess. Be sure that the girl will now closely monitor their own hands, and maybe even do a manicure on their own. And remember, that will be especially inspiring example of a small beautiful mother - a young, well-groomed, with beautiful hands. So do not forget to do manicures and yourself!

Manicure for children

What is useful for children manicure. A few tips for its implementation. These days, more and more attention is paid to children's health, in particular, the manicure. Of course, self-care skills should be the responsibility of children from an early age. A significant number of children suffering from common habit of biting his nails, which in medicine is called - onychophagia. Statistics show the number suffering from this bad habit increases with age by 10%.

Nowadays, more and more attention is paid to children's health, in particular, manicure. Of course, self-care skills should be the responsibility of children from an early age. A significant number of children suffering from common habit of biting his nails, which in medicine is called - onychophagia. Statistics show the number suffering from this bad habit increases with age by 10%. 
deal with the disease are paying attention to both doctors and psychologists, to date, and cosmetologists. They are trying to find the cause of such behavior that is problematic. But this problem can be solved by simple means. You just have to distract the child with something interesting, and can inspire the usual picture ... on his own claw. Of course, to spoil her own children would be a pity. Popular nail art will not leave indifferent any kid, especially primary and secondary school age. Do not be amiss to give sequence of miraculous medicines. 1. First of all, will work on your hands and nails antiseptic spray; 2. Next, you need to process the edges of the nail manicure nail file with necessary white abrasive (240/240). If the child will be hard to carry this procedure, it is best to use clippers. This is not to remove the nail edge to the base; 3. This region is amenable to grinding and polishing; 4. If there are burrs, then remove them also need to use pliers, 5. When you see during the procedure cuts or wounds, they need to handle medical adhesive;6. Cuticle applied cosmetic balm for hands and nails, which is applied in circular massaging movements; 7. If at hand, this was not a cream, it can replace oil for cuticles; 8. Hardened parts around the nail removed scented nail file, 9. To complete the procedure, you can establish a session with a little paraffin massage, that would be a pleasant end of the procedure; 10. According to the wish of the parents can apply varnish.